July 31, 2019

Work Smarter, Not Harder

We are sure you have heard the phrase; work smarter not harder. There are only 168 hours per week to fit in work, home life and the outside world. Do you feel that you spend too much time on things that don’t add true value to your life?

We are sure you have heard the phrase; work smarter not harder.

There are only 168 hours per week to fit in work, home life and the outside world. Do you feel that you spend too much time on things that don’t add true value to your life?

You’re not alone.

There are ways to working smart to make you more efficient and effective. Ari Meisel, founder of Less Doing and world-renowned productivity consultant, features a three-part plan. In our full newsletter, Work Smarter – Not Harder! Reclaim your time and energy to live your best life, we review these tips to achieve results faster.

According to Ari Meisel, you should begin with optimizing or streamlining your tasks. The objective is to minimize the number of tasks it takes to produce your desired outcome. There are two actions you can take to start working smarter:

  1. Identify Your Current Patterns – Start by analyzing your tasks and behaviors that could be modified. Use a diary or journal to keep track.
  2. Implement the 80/20 Rule in All You Do – only 20 percent of your actions drive 80 percent of your results. Once you can determine the steps to complete tasks, you can focus on doing the 20 percent that really have an impact and reorganize the remaining 80 percent.

Some ways to implement these actions would be to set filters on your emails to help organize your inbox or prioritize your client accounts and focus on the ones that make up 80 percent of your revenue.

Meisel provides input into two other strategies to his plan to achieve better results faster: automate and outsource. You can find more details about these steps in our full newsletter. We only have 24 hours in the day, so it is important to utilize resources that elevate mundane tasks. Organizing and potentially eliminating tasks can help you focus on key aspects of your life.   


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Work smarter, not harder

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