September 19, 2023

Second Opinion Wealth Planning and Wealth Management

The benefits of second opinion wealth planning and wealth management are not restricted to the ultra-wealthy.

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The benefits of second opinion wealth planning and wealth management are not restricted to the ultra-wealthy.

This past summer, Russ Alan Prince, executive director of Private Wealth magazine and chief content officer for High-Net-Worth Genius, examined the practice of seeking a second opinion for wealth management and planning. As Prince points out in his article, “Why the Ultra-Wealthy are Getting Second Opinions,” while common in some professions, such as medicine, the practice of seeking second opinions hasn’t been as prevalent in the financial industry.

Prince states, “…By getting second opinions, the ultra-wealthy are slowly forcing a reset in the private wealth industry, which is why this trend is intensifying.”

At Financial Harvest, we’ve been providing second opinions for years. We recognize how extremely important it is that financial decision-makers feel confident that, on their present course, their goals and objectives are attainable and that they are making sound and beneficial choices.

Financial Harvest Second Opinion Financial Checkup

The team at Financial Harvest invites you to get the answers you need for sound and confident decision-making now, and for many secure and bountiful years ahead. We offer a no-cost, no-strings-attached, Second Opinion Financial Checkup.

A Financial Harvest Second Opinion Checkup is easy to schedule. Book a Discovery meeting as an in-person meeting or a video conference call. You choose what best fits your schedule and is most convenient for you. Once your 75-minute meeting is confirmed, we’ll send you a planning worksheet to help you maximize the benefits of your complimentary Second Opinion Financial Checkup.

During the meeting, we’ll share the seven most important areas for producing success with wealth. Although the meetings are casual—like having coffee with friends—the Financial Harvest team will be fully focused on your unique needs and objectives. We want to understand where you stand now and where you desire to be in the future.

Second opinion wealth planning and wealth management

Your Discovery Meeting is followed up with a Preliminary Wealth Plan Meeting. At that point, you’ll receive a comprehensive assessment of your personal finances, looking at where you stand today, the goals you want to achieve in the future, and what steps will help you achieve your objectives and perhaps even take you beyond what you imagined possible.

What happens after your Discovery Meeting?

You may choose to continue your current financial approach, or you may choose to find out more about working with the Financial Harvest Wealth Advisors team. Either way, you’ll gain peace of mind and reassurance that your current strategy is sufficiently supporting your objectives or that you’ve found the right team to help you realize your goals.

Learn more about attentive, customized guidance from Financial Harvest Wealth Advisors to help you pursue all that matters most to you in life.

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