June 6, 2023

Strategies for Funding Education Webinar

Whether you are just getting started with your education funding, getting ready to distribute funds or have education funds leftover, this conference is for you! Join David Witter, CFP© and Kellen Williams, CFP© as they dive deep into the best practices and nuances of how to best utilize 529 plans to fund education for your loved ones.

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Whether you are just getting started with your education funding, getting ready to distribute funds or have education funds leftover, this conference is for you! Join David Witter, CFP© and Kellen Williams, CFP© as they dive deep into the best practices and nuances of how to best utilize 529 plans to fund education for your loved ones.

  • Understand how to set up your saving strategy, when to use FL Prepaid vs. a 529, and how to protect your money in a changing market.
  • Learn the ways you can use a 529 Plan, how it pairs with other college savings tools, and the facts about taxes and distribution.
  • Find out what you can do with leftover Plan funds, including guidance for changing beneficiaries.
  • 21 common questions answered ranging from how much, contributions, parent / grandparent ownership, investments, financial assistance, distributions, leftover funds, and more!

Please register here. We’ll send you the link / dial-in number to attend.

For registration questions, please email or call, Danica@financialharvest.com, 407-937-0707.


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