The Financial Harvest Team is rolling out a new financial wellness and insights podcast on Wednesday, September 29.
Called, “Plant. Harvest. Prosper.” this digitally delivered podcast can be easily accessed in either a video or audio-only format here on the homepage of our Wise Money Decisions blog or through your favorite podcast platforms, and then enjoyed via phone, desktop computer, or other smart device. If you already listen to other podcasts, you’re familiar with the convenience of streaming your favorite content when and where you choose to listen.
If you are new to the podcast experience, here are a few helpful tips. To watch the video of each monthly episode of Plant. Harvest. Prosper., you can visit the Financial Harvest website, mouse over the “News” tab in the navigation bar and then click “Plant. Harvest. Prosper. Podcast.”
But you’ll also find the audio-only version of the podcast available on all the most popular podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and others.
We’re going to cover a lot of today’s most timely financial topics. We really hope you’ll be choosing the time that’s most convenient for you and listening to every monthly episode of Plant. Harvest. Prosper.

Financial Harvest Wealth Advisors Team
The Financial Harvest Wealth Advisory team is dedicated to helping address the unique financial planning needs of each family, business, or individual that we have the privilege to serve. Our team members are focused on client success and helping our clients realize their most significant and meaningful life goals.