February 19, 2024

Plant. Harvest. Prosper. Episode 24: Your Portfolio, the Presidential Election Year, and What to Expect in 2024

Join Kellen Williams for a podcast and video exploring how the Presidential election year impacts the economy and your portfolio

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Join Kellen Williams for a podcast and video exploring how the Presidential election year impacts the economy and your portfolio

Ready for objective and independent financial insights designed to help you succeed, regardless of your age or financial means? Ready to look at what a life of significance and deep meaning looks like for you, and how you can use your wealth to help you achieve such a life?

Episode 24 of Plant. Harvest. Prosper Podcast—like every episode—is targeted to help answer your questions and equip you to make wise decisions with your wealth so that you can live a life peacefully and purposefully towards prosperity.

Peace and Purpose in a Presidential Election Year?

“Peaceful and purposeful” may not be words that come to mind right now as this presidential election year gears up, which makes Episode 24 an especially important opportunity for you to listen in and gain insightful perspectives on the economy and your personal financial situation.  

Host Kellen Williams, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and a Principal and Licensed Investment Advisor here at Financial Harvest Wealth Advisors, helps you take a step back from the noise. He looks at the question on the minds of so many people, which is: “What will happen to my portfolio if XXX is elected President?”

What to Expect in 2024

In your own purposeful pursuit of peace and prosperity, you’ll want to carve out a few minutes with Kellen. In Episode 24, he shares insights to help you navigate 2024.

Join Kellen as he:

  • Revisits where the economy was this time last year
  • Shares how data shows that the economy may not be as unstable as you may fear it is
  • Explains how the market typically surprises people in positive ways
  • Discusses home bias and how it may be hurting you as an investor

Listen to Plant. Harvest. Prosper. anytime or any place with the audio-only version of the podcast that you’ll find on all the most popular podcast platforms, including iHeartRadioSpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcher, and more.

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