June 28, 2023

Funding Education with 529 Plans, Video Replay with FAQs

Watch the video replay and learn about 529 Plans, Florida Prepaid, and the top 21 most-asked questions about funding college education, private school, and more.

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Did you miss our Strategies for Funding Education Webinar? Watch the video replay and learn about 529 Plans, Florida Prepaid, and the top 21 most-asked questions about funding college education, private school, and more.

Whether you are a new parent or have children in elementary or even high school, college will be on the horizon before you know it. Before that day rolls around, you’ll need to understand what goes into the cost of higher education and the steps to take to put you in solid financial standing to fund your child(ren)’s education.

In our recent Funding Education webinar, David Witter, CFP© and Kellen Williams, CFP© analyze and answer the 21 most common questions regarding 529 Plans and other strategies for education funding.

The Education Every Parent Needs to Know About Funding their Child’s Education

In this 60-minute video webinar, we look at the annual cost of several top schools to help you have a good starting point in understanding the real cost of higher education. We help you factor in inflation.

  • Step by step, David navigates how to project future costs if you have young children so that you learn how to use 529 plans efficiently.
  • And David and Kellen review what to do if you have funds left over and the best strategies to utilize those funds effectively.
  • We talk taxes and tax strategies, what is actually covered by your 529 (and what you can’t use the money to cover), and even the role grandparents can play in preparing for the rising costs of education.

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