July 21, 2023

2023 Mid-Year RECAP: Inflation News, Banking Crises, Debt Ceiling, and AI

Kellen Williams recaps the first half of 2023, from inflation to the banking crises, artificial intelligence, and the debt ceiling. Listen to the 2023 Mid-Year Recap Podcast.

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Kellen Williams recaps the first half of 2023, from inflation to the banking crises, artificial intelligence, and the debt ceiling.

Episode 19 of the Plant. Harvest. Prosper podcast is a 2023 Mid-Year Recap with a lot to unpack from the past six months. And as with every podcast episode that Kellen Williams, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ hosts, his audience is encouraged to make wise money decisions and live their lives purposefully toward prosperity.

Recapping 2023 Thus Far: Inflation, Banking Crises, the Debt Ceiling and AI

The 2023 Mid-Year Recap examines this year’s most talked-about issues and how each of these topics potentially impacts you personally, whether you are an investor seeking financial stability or a business owner attempting to adapt to market shifts.

Most importantly, Episode 19 offers actionable strategies to help you stay focused and thrive.

Learn what is often the biggest threat to your wealth—and no, it is not the markets.

The markets are actually in your favor.

Learn more about Plant. Harvest. Prosper Podcast host, Kellen H. Williams.

Watch each monthly episode of Financial Harvest’s video podcast here on the Financial Harvest website. Mouse over the “News” tab in the navigation bar and then click “Plant. Harvest. Prosper. Podcast.”

You can also listen anytime or any place with the audio-only version of the podcast that you’ll find on all the most popular podcast platforms, including iHeartRadioSpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcher, and more.

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