July 2, 2024

Plant. Harvest. Prosper. Episode 28: Why Diversify My Portfolio? Why Not Just Invest in the S&P 500?

In the 28th episode of The Plant. Harvest. Prosper Podcast, host Kellen Williams discusses investing and the role of diversification.

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In the 28th episode of The Plant. Harvest. Prosper Podcast, host Kellen Williams discusses investing and the role of diversification.

In every episode of the podcast, Kellen Williams, CFP®, Financial Harvest Principal and Wealth Advisor, addresses a timely financial topic—often one requested by his listeners. In Episode 28, he looks at diversification and investing.

  • What is diversification?
  • Why does diversifying my portfolio make me uncomfortable?
  • How does bias influence your investment decisions, even when you think it doesn’t?
  • Do I need to invest anywhere else besides the S&P 500?
  • What do market-weighted versus “equal” weighted returns mean?
  • When was the Lost Decade, and what did that mean?
  • How do you block out the noise?

“You can recover from dropping one egg, but if you lose a whole dozen, you’re going to be pretty mad… and your family’s going hungry.”

Josiah B. Martin, Financial Harvest Analyst

Why Diversify My Portfolio?

If you are considering changing your investment strategy, seek to be a more knowledgable investor, or simply wondering about the strength and validity of your approach, you will definitely want to take a few minutes and listen as Kellen shares insights on diversification you may have never even considered.

“You need to live a good life and fulfill your intentions,” says Kellen. “If you are not already a client, feel free to click on Get a Second Opinion to meet with us and see if there are any gaps in your financial planning or situation.”

Kellen also always invites listeners (and those who follow the blog) to submit their questions to Kellen@financialharvest.com or info@financialharvest.com to potentially be answered in one of the upcoming episodes of Plant. Harvest. Prosper.

Listen to Plant. Harvest. Prosper. anytime or anywhere you are with the audio-only version of the podcast that you’ll find on all the most popular podcast platforms, including iHeartRadioSpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcher, and more.

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